Feminized Photoperiods
For souvenir purposes only
Warning - Germination of Cannabis seed is illegal in most countries including India.
Please note: You have to be at least 18 years old to order cannabis seeds from Jonjo Seeds.
By section 2(3) of the NDPS Act 1985, it is an offence to cultivate any plant of the genus Cannabis in India without a license from the State. Anyone committing an offence contrary to this section may be imprisoned or fined, or both. Please note therefore that germination of cannabis seeds without an appropriate license is illegal in India.
Our Seedbank does not encourage anyone to break the law in the country.
Jonjo Seeds cannot be held responsible for the actions of persons who purchase our Cannabis seeds. Jonjo Seeds can sell you cannabis seeds legally for the use of fishing bait additives or as luxury bird food or as souvenirs. Or you may purchase to store, in case the law changes.